Reliable, High-Speed Case Forming With the Wexxar WF30


In the world of manufacturing, case forming is its own bottleneck. You can be great at manufacturing, assembling and quality testing your product, but if you fall short on getting it packaged, you’ll fall behind in shipments and, as a result, fall below your sales expectations. Thankfully, Wexxar offers a range of case forming equipment – including the fully-automatic WF30 – that can help you match your shipping speed to your production speed. In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at the design, build and features offered by Wexxar’s WF30 high-speed case former.

Motion Enhanced Pin & Dome System

By utilizing “pin and dome” technology, the WF30 is able to achieve vacuum-free case opening. Because of this, the system is able to more rapidly overcome variations in box qualities and deliver more precise control over the case forming process.

Tilt-out Tape Head

Assembling a case is half the battle, sealing it is another fight altogether. The WF30 features a built in, tilt-out tape head that allows for swift, efficient tape changes. As a result, you’ll experience less downtime and, more importantly, fewer headaches.

Easy Set-up Guides

Maintaining your case former is one of the best ways to ensure a long, productive life. The WF30 includes a color-coded, pictorial guide that walks users through tool-free adjustments and allows for hassle-free changeovers.

When it comes to case formers, Wexxar has rightfully earned its reputation as the industry’s best manufacturer. The WF30, with its fully-automatic operation, advanced safety guarding, tool-free changeovers and remote diagnostics and controls, is – perhaps – the easiest decision that can be made in regards to your operation’s case forming needs. Fast, efficient and rock-solid reliable, the WF30 is a piece of equipment that can evolve – and grow with – your company’s needs. If you’ve been experiencing a bottleneck caused by slow packaging or case forming, contact the professionals at Technical Packaging Systems today to discuss how we can help.

Tags: case erector, case former, wexxar

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